GenTool Replay Information Windows (Compat): 6.1.7601 SP 1.0 System: American Megatrends Inc. P1.60 P1.60 N68-S3 UCC AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 630 Processor DIMM0 PartNum0 4096 DIMM1 PartNum1 4096 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 GenTool Version: 8.9 Player Name: Alexandr-PC Player Id: 47C19C171F9F Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 16, 07:58:49 Game Version: Zero Hour 1.04 The First Decade (Mod) Install Type: Modified Game Install: Not compatible with Regular Game RepInfo in use: no Map Name: alpine assault teod Start Cash: 50000 Match Type: 1v1 Match Length: 00:29:50 Match Mode: LAN No Team C0A80000 Alexandr-PC (China) C0A80000 DESKTOP-IESN (GLA) Associated files: 07-58-49_1v1_Alexandr_DESKTOPI.rep [69126 bytes] 07-58-49_shot1.jpg [84949 bytes] 07-59-11_shot2.jpg [89762 bytes] 08-00-17_shot3.jpg [76900 bytes] 08-02-45_shot4.jpg [105649 bytes] 08-06-26_shot5.jpg [94141 bytes] 08-09-40_shot6.jpg [108191 bytes] 08-10-47_shot7.jpg [104122 bytes] 08-10-57_shot8.jpg [110118 bytes] 08-14-12_shot9.jpg [109874 bytes] 08-15-04_shot10.jpg [105290 bytes] 08-17-43_shot11.jpg [104000 bytes] 08-21-27_shot12.jpg [107905 bytes] 08-23-39_shot13.jpg [116117 bytes] 08-25-14_shot14.jpg [93088 bytes] 08-27-06_shot15.jpg [114879 bytes] 08-28-25_shot16.jpg [87027 bytes]