GenTool Replay Information

Windows (Compat): 6.2.9200 SP 0.0
System:           American Megatrends International, LLC. E15F2IMS.108 E15F2IMS.108
                  MS-15F2 REV:1.0
                  Controller0-ChannelA-DIMM0 HMCG78AGBSA095N      16384
                  Controller1-ChannelA-DIMM0 HMCG78AGBSA095N      16384
                  13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13620H
                  Intel(R) UHD Graphics

GenTool Version:  8.9
Player Name:      MSI
Player Id:        8B6CD95456DF
Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 20, 22:25:32
Game Version:     Zero Hour 1.04 The First Decade (Mod)
Install Type:     Modified Game Install: Not compatible with Regular Game
RepInfo in use:   no

Map Name:         homeland alliance
Start Cash:       10000
Match Type:       1v1v1
Match Length:     01:02:29
Match Mode:       Hamachi

No Team
   1ADBA000 MSI (Unknown)
   1AAE6000 CIA (USA Airforce)
   1AA90000 cod (GLA Toxin)

Associated files: 22-25-32_1v1v1_MSI_CIA_cod.rep [201591 bytes]
                  22-25-33_shot1.jpg [67437 bytes]
                  22-25-54_shot2.jpg [59902 bytes]
                  22-27-00_shot3.jpg [62885 bytes]
                  22-29-28_shot4.jpg [75041 bytes]
                  22-33-09_shot5.jpg [66231 bytes]
                  22-36-23_shot6.jpg [80876 bytes]
                  22-37-30_shot7.jpg [79780 bytes]
                  22-37-40_shot8.jpg [82882 bytes]
                  22-40-55_shot9.jpg [82347 bytes]
                  22-41-47_shot10.jpg [79529 bytes]
                  22-44-26_shot11.jpg [86650 bytes]
                  22-48-10_shot12.jpg [81043 bytes]
                  22-50-22_shot13.jpg [83556 bytes]
                  22-51-57_shot14.jpg [74188 bytes]
                  22-53-49_shot15.jpg [56485 bytes]
                  22-55-08_shot16.jpg [79982 bytes]
                  22-57-30_shot17.jpg [76252 bytes]
                  22-58-28_shot18.jpg [77120 bytes]
                  22-59-58_shot19.jpg [61448 bytes]
                  23-01-40_shot20.jpg [72369 bytes]
                  23-02-34_shot21.jpg [76183 bytes]
                  23-03-47_shot22.jpg [80026 bytes]
                  23-07-32_shot23.jpg [70236 bytes]
                  23-10-34_shot24.jpg [77153 bytes]
                  23-13-51_shot25.jpg [77150 bytes]
                  23-16-43_shot26.jpg [80537 bytes]
                  23-17-34_shot27.jpg [65016 bytes]
                  23-20-48_shot28.jpg [45745 bytes]
                  23-22-29_shot29.jpg [54945 bytes]
                  23-24-50_shot30.jpg [82496 bytes]
                  23-25-28_shot31.jpg [85564 bytes]
                  23-25-47_shot32.jpg [80862 bytes]