GenTool Replay Information Windows (Compat): 5.1.2600 SP 3.0 System: AMD Ryzen 5 5625U with Radeon Graphics DIMM 0 Null 0 DIMM 0 HMAA1GS6CJR6N-XN 8192 LENOVO R20ET35W (1.15 ) R20ET35W (1.15 ) 21ED004LGE ThinkPad AMD Radeon (TM) Graphics GenTool Version: 8.9 Player Name: vazha-pshave Player Id: 5B29B802334B Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 21, 17:40:29 Game Version: Zero Hour 1.04 The Ultimate Collection (x87, Steam) Install Type: Modified Game Install RepInfo in use: no Map Name: maps/no way back Start Cash: 20000 Match Type: 1v1 Match Length: 00:46:16 Match Mode: GameRanger No Team 1F921000 vazha-pshave (Random) D5C80000 lukuci (Random) Associated files: 17-40-29_1v1_vazhapsh_lukuci.rep [200339 bytes] 17-40-29_shot1.jpg [57651 bytes] 17-40-50_shot2.jpg [46624 bytes] 17-42-02_shot3.jpg [56254 bytes] 17-43-34_shot4.jpg [49199 bytes] 17-47-31_shot5.jpg [55984 bytes] 17-51-27_shot6.jpg [51824 bytes] 17-54-56_shot7.jpg [64565 bytes] 17-57-13_shot8.jpg [60405 bytes] 18-00-54_shot9.jpg [62103 bytes] 18-03-10_shot10.jpg [47595 bytes] 18-05-06_shot11.jpg [55704 bytes] 18-08-18_shot12.jpg [73611 bytes] 18-11-57_shot13.jpg [63467 bytes] 18-15-36_shot14.jpg [39619 bytes] 18-17-29_shot15.jpg [61601 bytes] 18-19-00_shot16.jpg [53645 bytes] 18-19-41_shot17.jpg [71320 bytes] 18-20-23_shot18.jpg [65692 bytes] 18-21-06_shot19.jpg [66471 bytes] 18-21-31_shot20.jpg [61164 bytes] 18-23-39_shot21.jpg [40086 bytes] 18-25-32_shot22.jpg [64350 bytes] 18-26-09_shot23.jpg [47780 bytes]