GenTool Replay Information Windows (Compat): 6.2.9200 SP 0.0 System: American Megatrends Inc. FA506ICB.307 FA506ICB.307 FA506ICB 1.0 AMD Ryzen 5 4600H with Radeon Graphics DIMM 0 M471A1K43EB1-CWE 8192 DIMM 0 8ATF1G64HZ-3G2R1 8192 AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics GenTool Version: 8.9 Player Name: Boda Jack Player Id: 203045CCC30A Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 24, 23:45:00 Game Version: Zero Hour 1.04 The Ultimate Collection (x87, Steam) Install Type: Invalid Game Install: No Online Access RepInfo in use: no Map Name: seaside mutiny Start Cash: 50000 Match Type: 1v1 Match Length: 00:24:36 Match Mode: Hamachi No Team 1A09E000 Boda Jack (China Tank) Team 1 1AE8F000 MSI (China Infantry) Associated files: 23-45-00_1v1_BodaJack_MSI.rep [103338 bytes] 23-45-00_shot1.jpg [72066 bytes] 23-45-18_shot2.jpg [54395 bytes] 23-47-12_shot3.jpg [53629 bytes] 23-48-43_shot4.jpg [80933 bytes] 23-49-24_shot5.jpg [76656 bytes] 23-50-05_shot6.jpg [88331 bytes] 23-50-49_shot7.jpg [84365 bytes] 23-51-14_shot8.jpg [87748 bytes] 23-53-22_shot9.jpg [85561 bytes] 23-55-15_shot10.jpg [82634 bytes] 23-55-52_shot11.jpg [82267 bytes] 23-57-51_shot12.jpg [78262 bytes] 23-59-50_shot13.jpg [82377 bytes] 00-00-01_shot14.jpg [81982 bytes] 00-02-44_shot15.jpg [46562 bytes] 00-05-41_shot16.jpg [74102 bytes] 00-09-04_shot17.jpg [88301 bytes] 00-09-25_shot18.jpg [85461 bytes]