GenTool Replay Information Windows (Compat): 6.2.9200 SP 0.0 System: AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 5650U with Radeon Graphics HP T82 Ver. 01.18.00 T82 Ver. 01.18.00 8895 KBC Version 43.3E.00 Bottom-Slot 1(left) 8ATF1G64HZ-3G2R1 8192 Bottom-Slot 2(right) 8ATF1G64HZ-3G2R1 8192 AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics GenTool Version: 8.9 Player Name: Jay Player Id: 9E423049DBDF Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 25, 03:28:51 Game Version: Zero Hour 1.04 The Ultimate Collection (x87, Steam) Install Type: Normal Game Install RepInfo in use: no Map Name: maps/[rank] morning dew zh v1 Start Cash: 50000 Match Type: 1v1v1 Match Length: 00:33:22 Match Mode: LAN No Team C0A80000 BASSEL-PC (USA Superweapon) C0A80000 Habibi (China Nuke) C0A80000 Jay (GLA) Associated files: 03-28-51_1v1v1_BASSELPC_Habibi_Jay.rep [80556 bytes] 03-28-51_shot1.jpg [73999 bytes] 03-29-13_shot2.jpg [102293 bytes] 03-32-05_shot3.jpg [96393 bytes] 03-32-56_shot4.jpg [96446 bytes] 03-36-10_shot5.jpg [107762 bytes] 03-37-51_shot6.jpg [111000 bytes] 03-40-12_shot7.jpg [91066 bytes] 03-40-49_shot8.jpg [93847 bytes] 03-41-08_shot9.jpg [103594 bytes] 03-44-52_shot10.jpg [99540 bytes] 03-48-28_shot11.jpg [68213 bytes] 03-52-24_shot12.jpg [105829 bytes] 03-54-40_shot13.jpg [99670 bytes] 03-55-37_shot14.jpg [93859 bytes] 03-59-36_shot15.jpg [91119 bytes]