GenTool Replay Information Windows (Compat): 6.2.9200 SP 0.0 System: LENOVO O5EKT21A O5EKT21A 3743 SDK0T76463 WIN 3422207277353 AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics DIMM 1 M378A1K43EB2-CWE 8192 DIMM 1 M378A1K43EB2-CWE 8192 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 GenTool Version: 8.9 Player Name: Jok Player Id: 61768E2C7D26 Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 25, 15:58:33 Game Version: Zero Hour 1.04 The Ultimate Collection (x87, Steam) Install Type: Modified Game Install: Not compatible with Regular Game RepInfo in use: no Map Name: tournamenta Start Cash: 10000 Match Type: 1v2 Match Length: 00:42:13 Match Mode: Hamachi Team 1 1ADFD000 Par (Random) Team 2 1A1B5000 Jok (USA Laser) 1A02A000 Ice (Random) Associated files: 15-58-33_1v2_Par_Jok_Ice.rep [220988 bytes] 15-58-33_shot1.jpg [74886 bytes] 15-58-54_shot2.jpg [75629 bytes] 16-01-33_shot3.jpg [78670 bytes] 16-05-17_shot4.jpg [85896 bytes] 16-07-29_shot5.jpg [98761 bytes] 16-09-04_shot6.jpg [82313 bytes] 16-10-56_shot7.jpg [94998 bytes] 16-12-15_shot8.jpg [98236 bytes] 16-14-37_shot9.jpg [83084 bytes] 16-15-35_shot10.jpg [89950 bytes] 16-17-05_shot11.jpg [92561 bytes] 16-18-47_shot12.jpg [92555 bytes] 16-19-41_shot13.jpg [92063 bytes] 16-20-53_shot14.jpg [85479 bytes] 16-24-39_shot15.jpg [78541 bytes] 16-27-41_shot16.jpg [88264 bytes] 16-30-58_shot17.jpg [86413 bytes] 16-33-49_shot18.jpg [91236 bytes] 16-34-41_shot19.jpg [83954 bytes] 16-37-55_shot20.jpg [84656 bytes] 16-39-36_shot21.jpg [83872 bytes]