GenTool Replay Information Windows (Compat): 6.1.7601 SP 1.0 System: Dell Inc. A20 A20 0JC5MT A01 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz DIMM A 8KTF51264HZ-1G6E1 4096 DIMM B 8KTF51264HZ-1G6E1 4096 Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 GenTool Version: 8.9 Player Name: B-Snatch-PC Player Id: 88CBD72469C1 Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 26, 04:29:39 Game Version: Zero Hour 1.04 The First Decade (Mod) Install Type: Modified Game Install: Not compatible with Regular Game RepInfo in use: no Map Name: death valley Start Cash: 50000 Match Type: 1v1 Match Length: 00:47:11 Match Mode: Hamachi No Team C0A80000 DESKTOP-V5PV (USA) C0A80000 B-Snatch-PC (GLA) Associated files: 04-29-39_1v1_DESKTOPV_BSnatchP.rep [208811 bytes] 04-29-39_shot1.jpg [75675 bytes] 04-30-01_shot2.jpg [59248 bytes] 04-31-07_shot3.jpg [64127 bytes] 04-33-35_shot4.jpg [77927 bytes] 04-37-16_shot5.jpg [71490 bytes] 04-40-30_shot6.jpg [83878 bytes] 04-41-37_shot7.jpg [69652 bytes] 04-41-47_shot8.jpg [60065 bytes] 04-45-02_shot9.jpg [77888 bytes] 04-45-54_shot10.jpg [71914 bytes] 04-48-33_shot11.jpg [75720 bytes] 04-52-17_shot12.jpg [68458 bytes] 04-54-29_shot13.jpg [72804 bytes] 04-56-04_shot14.jpg [80221 bytes] 04-57-56_shot15.jpg [73962 bytes] 04-59-15_shot16.jpg [76454 bytes] 05-01-37_shot17.jpg [86284 bytes] 05-02-35_shot18.jpg [78529 bytes] 05-04-05_shot19.jpg [91082 bytes] 05-05-47_shot20.jpg [81716 bytes] 05-06-41_shot21.jpg [73361 bytes] 05-07-53_shot22.jpg [85311 bytes] 05-11-39_shot23.jpg [76445 bytes] 05-14-41_shot24.jpg [64088 bytes]