GenTool Replay Information

Windows (Compat): 6.2.9200 SP 0.0
System:           American Megatrends Inc. 5302 5302
                  ROG STRIX B450-E GAMING Rev 1.xx
                  AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor          
                  DIMM_A1 Unknown 0
                  DIMM_A2 KHX2666C16/8G        8192
                  DIMM_B1 Unknown 0
                  DIMM_B2 KHX2666C16/8G        8192
                  NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050

GenTool Version:  8.9
Player Name:      FallenAngel
Player Id:        07AEB9D0388E
Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 26, 20:24:50
Game Version:     Zero Hour 1.04 The First Decade (Mod)
Install Type:     Modified Game Install: Not compatible with Regular Game
RepInfo in use:   no

Map Name:         maps/trinity island x
Start Cash:       10000
Match Type:       1v2
Match Length:     00:31:09
Match Mode:       Hamachi

Team 1
   1A7DB000 effectik (Random)
Team 2
   1A556000 sebasta (Random)
   1AC6B000 FallenAngel (Random)

Associated files: 20-24-50_1v2_effectik_sebasta_FallenAn.rep [114534 bytes]
                  20-24-51_shot1.jpg [89050 bytes]
                  20-25-12_shot2.jpg [101832 bytes]
                  20-26-18_shot3.jpg [104453 bytes]
                  20-28-46_shot4.jpg [104247 bytes]
                  20-32-27_shot5.jpg [109880 bytes]
                  20-35-41_shot6.jpg [105924 bytes]
                  20-36-48_shot7.jpg [96624 bytes]
                  20-36-57_shot8.jpg [111352 bytes]
                  20-40-13_shot9.jpg [86952 bytes]
                  20-41-05_shot10.jpg [107861 bytes]
                  20-43-44_shot11.jpg [104490 bytes]
                  20-47-28_shot12.jpg [112152 bytes]
                  20-49-40_shot13.jpg [113714 bytes]
                  20-51-15_shot14.jpg [96565 bytes]
                  20-53-07_shot15.jpg [104364 bytes]
                  20-54-26_shot16.jpg [94065 bytes]