GenTool Replay Information

Windows (Compat): 5.1.2600 SP 3.0
System:           Hewlett-Packard 68IRR Ver. F.68 68IRR Ver. F.68
                  17F6 KBC Version 58.21
                  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz
                  Bottom-Slot 1(top) 0
                  Bottom-Slot 2(under) M471B5273DH0-CK0   4096
                  Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000

GenTool Version:  8.9
Player Name:      VLADYKAUA
Player Id:        3CF81A9190CA
Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 26, 10:00:34
Game Version:     Zero Hour 1.04 The Ultimate Collection (x87, Steam)
Install Type:     Invalid Game Install: No Online Access
RepInfo in use:   no

Map Name:         maps/[rank] animals of the generals zh v1
Start Cash:       10000
Match Type:       1v1
Match Length:     00:31:36
Match Mode:       Hamachi

No Team
   1A33D000 VLADYKAUA (Random)
   1A80F000 HunterSRten (Random)

Associated files: 10-00-34_1v1_VLADYKAU_HunterSR.rep [82692 bytes]
                  10-00-34_shot1.jpg [75118 bytes]
                  10-01-00_shot2.jpg [78235 bytes]
                  10-02-20_shot3.jpg [90405 bytes]
                  10-04-41_shot4.jpg [92549 bytes]
                  10-05-39_shot5.jpg [55995 bytes]
                  10-07-10_shot6.jpg [87881 bytes]
                  10-08-51_shot7.jpg [92074 bytes]
                  10-09-46_shot8.jpg [88451 bytes]
                  10-10-58_shot9.jpg [62273 bytes]
                  10-14-43_shot10.jpg [75730 bytes]
                  10-17-45_shot11.jpg [72074 bytes]
                  10-21-02_shot12.jpg [97112 bytes]
                  10-23-54_shot13.jpg [92483 bytes]
                  10-24-45_shot14.jpg [63675 bytes]
                  10-28-00_shot15.jpg [90978 bytes]
                  10-29-40_shot16.jpg [80237 bytes]
                  10-32-01_shot17.jpg [85341 bytes]