GenTool Replay Information

Windows (Compat): 6.2.9200 SP 0.0
System:           American Megatrends Inc. F50 F50
                  B450 AORUS M x.x
                  AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor            
                  DIMM 0 Unknown 0
                  DIMM 1 F4-3000C16-8GISB 8192
                  DIMM 0 Unknown 0
                  DIMM 1 F4-3000C16-8GISB 8192
                  Radeon RX 580 Series

GenTool Version:  8.9
Player Name:      wj
Player Id:        4EA0C958DBE7
Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 26, 02:01:08
Game Version:     Zero Hour 1.04 The First Decade (Mod)
Install Type:     Modified Game Install: Not compatible with Regular Game
RepInfo in use:   no

Map Name:         maps/[rank] endboss zh v1
Start Cash:       50000
Match Type:       1v1
Match Length:     00:47:16
Match Mode:       Hamachi

No Team
   192A8000 wj (Random)
   191A7000 aflaton (Random)

Associated files: 02-01-08_1v1_wj_aflaton.rep [188154 bytes]
                  02-01-08_shot1.jpg [66145 bytes]
                  02-01-26_shot2.jpg [63635 bytes]
                  02-02-33_shot3.jpg [60982 bytes]
                  02-02-43_shot4.jpg [74328 bytes]
                  02-05-59_shot5.jpg [76672 bytes]
                  02-06-50_shot6.jpg [84551 bytes]
                  02-09-29_shot7.jpg [99188 bytes]
                  02-13-13_shot8.jpg [91456 bytes]
                  02-15-25_shot9.jpg [80485 bytes]
                  02-17-00_shot10.jpg [81658 bytes]
                  02-18-52_shot11.jpg [71848 bytes]
                  02-20-12_shot12.jpg [84908 bytes]
                  02-22-33_shot13.jpg [93521 bytes]
                  02-23-31_shot14.jpg [93644 bytes]
                  02-25-02_shot15.jpg [80689 bytes]
                  02-26-43_shot16.jpg [80242 bytes]
                  02-27-37_shot17.jpg [80893 bytes]
                  02-28-50_shot18.jpg [79914 bytes]
                  02-32-35_shot19.jpg [89847 bytes]
                  02-35-37_shot20.jpg [79566 bytes]
                  02-38-54_shot21.jpg [78315 bytes]
                  02-41-46_shot22.jpg [86860 bytes]
                  02-42-37_shot23.jpg [82158 bytes]
                  02-45-51_shot24.jpg [79414 bytes]
                  02-47-32_shot25.jpg [83212 bytes]