GenTool Replay Information Windows (Compat): 6.2.9200 SP 0.0 System: HP S71 Ver. 01.22.01 S71 Ver. 01.22.01 86A0 KBC Version 02.3D.00 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60GHz Bottom-Slot 1(left) 4ATF51264HZ-3G2J1 4096 Bottom-Slot 2(right) HMA81GS6DJR8N-VK 8192 Intel(R) UHD Graphics GenTool Version: 8.9 Player Name: Ger Player Id: 50A487AA8451 Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 28, 21:39:12 Game Version: Zero Hour 1.04 The First Decade (Mod) Install Type: Modified Game Install: Not compatible with Regular Game RepInfo in use: no Map Name: maps/[mod] ctf ffa - conflict in the mediterranean v5 Start Cash: 50000 Match Type: 1v1v1 Match Length: 01:44:51 Match Mode: Hamachi No Team C0A8B000 Ger (USA) C0A8B000 bil (China Infantry) C0A8B000 AND (USA) Associated files: 21-39-12_1v1v1_Ger_bil_AND.rep [392361 bytes] 21-39-12_shot1.jpg [74196 bytes] 21-39-34_shot2.jpg [84015 bytes] 21-42-26_shot3.jpg [98667 bytes] 21-43-17_shot4.jpg [96795 bytes] 21-46-32_shot5.jpg [103474 bytes] 21-48-12_shot6.jpg [97142 bytes] 21-50-33_shot7.jpg [108716 bytes] 21-51-11_shot8.jpg [103904 bytes] 21-51-30_shot9.jpg [99225 bytes] 21-55-14_shot10.jpg [104897 bytes] 21-58-50_shot11.jpg [90535 bytes] 22-02-45_shot12.jpg [111924 bytes] 22-05-02_shot13.jpg [112627 bytes] 22-05-59_shot14.jpg [112069 bytes] 22-09-57_shot15.jpg [104849 bytes] 22-13-17_shot16.jpg [108267 bytes] 22-17-09_shot17.jpg [106181 bytes] 22-18-20_shot18.jpg [106691 bytes] 22-19-52_shot19.jpg [113218 bytes] 22-23-49_shot20.jpg [100487 bytes] 22-27-45_shot21.jpg [119406 bytes] 22-31-15_shot22.jpg [101960 bytes] 22-33-31_shot23.jpg [106845 bytes] 22-37-13_shot24.jpg [111755 bytes] 22-39-28_shot25.jpg [102309 bytes] 22-41-24_shot26.jpg [113929 bytes] 22-44-37_shot27.jpg [105834 bytes] 22-48-15_shot28.jpg [97233 bytes] 22-51-54_shot29.jpg [104992 bytes] 22-53-48_shot30.jpg [106320 bytes] 22-55-18_shot31.jpg [101920 bytes] 22-56-00_shot32.jpg [97372 bytes] 22-56-41_shot33.jpg [103193 bytes] 22-57-25_shot34.jpg [103010 bytes] 22-57-50_shot35.jpg [96975 bytes] 22-59-58_shot36.jpg [106548 bytes] 23-01-51_shot37.jpg [105494 bytes] 23-02-28_shot38.jpg [89821 bytes] 23-04-27_shot39.jpg [102477 bytes] 23-06-26_shot40.jpg [115843 bytes] 23-06-37_shot41.jpg [110870 bytes] 23-09-20_shot42.jpg [97738 bytes] 23-12-17_shot43.jpg [116158 bytes] 23-15-40_shot44.jpg [108938 bytes] 23-16-01_shot45.jpg [108966 bytes] 23-19-24_shot46.jpg [108292 bytes] 23-21-01_shot47.jpg [107185 bytes] 23-23-51_shot48.jpg [102655 bytes]