GenTool Replay Information

Windows (Compat): 6.2.9200 SP 0.0
System:           American Megatrends International, LLC. E158NAMS.10B E158NAMS.10B
                  MS-158N REV:1.0
                  AMD Ryzen 7 7735HS with Radeon Graphics        
                  DIMM 0 HMCG66AGBSA092N      8192
                  DIMM 0 HMCG66AGBSA092N      8192
                  AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics

GenTool Version:  8.9
Player Name:      moawea123
Player Id:        4EB05545F21F
Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 28, 01:29:19
Game Version:     Zero Hour 1.04 The Ultimate Collection (x87, Steam)
Install Type:     Normal Game Install
RepInfo in use:   no

Map Name:         maps/[rank] winding river revised zh v1
Start Cash:       20000
Match Type:       1v1
Match Length:     00:47:59
Match Mode:       GameRanger

Team 1
   5352A000 moawea123 (USA)
Team 2
   5352A000 fadinao88 (Random)

Associated files: 01-29-19_1v1_moawea12_fadinao8.rep [135201 bytes]
                  01-29-19_shot1.jpg [69853 bytes]
                  01-29-41_shot2.jpg [78395 bytes]
                  01-30-47_shot3.jpg [89028 bytes]
                  01-33-15_shot4.jpg [95179 bytes]
                  01-36-56_shot5.jpg [81043 bytes]
                  01-40-10_shot6.jpg [76187 bytes]
                  01-41-17_shot7.jpg [95988 bytes]
                  01-41-26_shot8.jpg [90079 bytes]
                  01-44-42_shot9.jpg [95349 bytes]
                  01-45-34_shot10.jpg [98074 bytes]
                  01-48-13_shot11.jpg [85072 bytes]
                  01-51-57_shot12.jpg [97546 bytes]
                  01-54-09_shot13.jpg [96224 bytes]
                  01-55-44_shot14.jpg [97261 bytes]
                  01-57-36_shot15.jpg [92828 bytes]
                  01-58-55_shot16.jpg [91259 bytes]
                  02-01-17_shot17.jpg [92853 bytes]
                  02-02-15_shot18.jpg [92276 bytes]
                  02-03-46_shot19.jpg [98662 bytes]
                  02-05-27_shot20.jpg [98142 bytes]
                  02-06-21_shot21.jpg [94111 bytes]
                  02-07-33_shot22.jpg [97762 bytes]
                  02-11-19_shot23.jpg [104651 bytes]
                  02-14-21_shot24.jpg [106756 bytes]