GenTool Replay Information Windows (Compat): 6.2.9200 SP 0.0 System: Hewlett-Packard M71 Ver. 01.13 M71 Ver. 01.13 2216 KBC Version 96.58 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5600U CPU @ 2.60GHz Bottom-Slot 1(left) 8KTF51264HZ-1G6E1 4096 Bottom-Slot 2(right) M471B5173QH0-YK0 4096 Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 GenTool Version: 8.9 Player Name: hamdi Player Id: B26822B5FE69 Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 29, 17:52:51 Game Version: Zero Hour 1.04 The First Decade (Mod) Install Type: Modified Game Install: Not compatible with Regular Game RepInfo in use: no Map Name: maps/[rank] mountain oil zh v1 Start Cash: 30000 Match Type: 1v1 Match Length: 00:27:23 Match Mode: Hamachi No Team 1A82C000 Brhm867 (Random) 1A52E000 hamdi (Random) Associated files: 17-52-51_1v1_Brhm867_hamdi.rep [76789 bytes] 17-52-51_shot1.jpg [81797 bytes] 17-53-08_shot2.jpg [78239 bytes] 17-56-53_shot3.jpg [76409 bytes] 17-59-55_shot4.jpg [80557 bytes] 18-03-12_shot5.jpg [78060 bytes] 18-06-04_shot6.jpg [91710 bytes] 18-06-55_shot7.jpg [94624 bytes] 18-10-09_shot8.jpg [83372 bytes] 18-11-50_shot9.jpg [84934 bytes] 18-14-11_shot10.jpg [93423 bytes] 18-14-49_shot11.jpg [90322 bytes] 18-15-08_shot12.jpg [91231 bytes] 18-18-52_shot13.jpg [82209 bytes]