GenTool Replay Information

Windows (Compat): 5.1.2600 SP 3.0
System:           American Megatrends Inc. 2.50 2.50
                  B450M MORTAR MAX (MS-7B89) 1.0
                  AMD Ryzen 3 2200G with Radeon Vega Graphics    
                  DIMM 0 M378A5244CB0-CTD     4096
                  DIMM 1 M378A5244CB0-CTD     4096
                  DIMM 0 Unknown 0
                  DIMM 1 Unknown 0
                  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660

GenTool Version:  8.9
Player Name:      SALEH
Player Id:        2E1C743D1D10
Match Date (UTC): 2025 Jan 03, 15:07:45
Game Version:     Zero Hour 1.04 The First Decade
Install Type:     Normal Game Install
RepInfo in use:   no

Map Name:         flash effect
Start Cash:       10000
Match Type:       1v1v1
Match Length:     00:46:31
Match Mode:       Hamachi

Team 1
   C0A80000 x.X.x (USA Superweapon)
Team 2
   C0A80000 SALEH (USA Superweapon)
Team 3
   C0A80000 wadih (GLA Toxin)

Associated files: 15-07-45_1v1v1_xXx_SALEH_wadih.rep [226465 bytes]
                  15-07-45_shot1.jpg [68905 bytes]
                  15-08-07_shot2.jpg [86623 bytes]
                  15-09-13_shot3.jpg [74432 bytes]
                  15-11-41_shot4.jpg [86654 bytes]
                  15-15-22_shot5.jpg [74460 bytes]
                  15-18-36_shot6.jpg [78593 bytes]
                  15-19-43_shot7.jpg [85677 bytes]
                  15-19-52_shot8.jpg [80057 bytes]
                  15-23-08_shot9.jpg [67886 bytes]
                  15-24-00_shot10.jpg [87351 bytes]
                  15-26-39_shot11.jpg [85373 bytes]
                  15-30-23_shot12.jpg [81660 bytes]
                  15-32-35_shot13.jpg [77919 bytes]
                  15-34-10_shot14.jpg [91432 bytes]
                  15-36-02_shot15.jpg [82230 bytes]
                  15-37-21_shot16.jpg [94934 bytes]
                  15-39-43_shot17.jpg [74107 bytes]
                  15-40-41_shot18.jpg [85022 bytes]
                  15-42-11_shot19.jpg [84385 bytes]
                  15-43-53_shot20.jpg [82289 bytes]
                  15-44-47_shot21.jpg [81063 bytes]
                  15-45-59_shot22.jpg [73085 bytes]
                  15-49-45_shot23.jpg [80735 bytes]
                  15-52-47_shot24.jpg [88344 bytes]