GenTool Replay Information Windows (Compat): 6.2.9200 SP 0.0 System: American Megatrends Inc. 2409 2409 TUF B450-PLUS GAMING Rev X.0x AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor DIMM_A1 Unknown 0 DIMM_A2 8ATF1G64AZ-3G2J1 8192 DIMM_B1 Unknown 0 DIMM_B2 CT8G4DFS8266.M8FE 8192 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB GenTool Version: 8.9 Player Name: Thrax Player Id: 161F82DB9945 Match Date (UTC): 2025 Jan 06, 21:37:20 Game Version: Zero Hour 1.04 The First Decade (Mod) Install Type: Modified Game Install: Not compatible with Regular Game RepInfo in use: no Map Name: battle for basra Start Cash: 100000 Match Type: 1v1 Match Length: 01:02:19 Match Mode: LAN No Team 1A4E2000 Thrax (GLA Stealth) 1AA22000 Neo (China) Associated files: 21-37-20_1v1_Thrax_Neo.rep [255942 bytes] 21-37-20_shot1.jpg [65497 bytes] 21-37-42_shot2.jpg [62648 bytes] 21-38-54_shot3.jpg [68692 bytes] 21-41-16_shot4.jpg [77326 bytes] 21-44-57_shot5.jpg [77783 bytes] 21-48-11_shot6.jpg [84764 bytes] 21-49-28_shot7.jpg [68741 bytes] 21-52-43_shot8.jpg [71541 bytes] 21-53-35_shot9.jpg [92141 bytes] 21-56-14_shot10.jpg [88672 bytes] 21-59-57_shot11.jpg [87975 bytes] 22-02-09_shot12.jpg [80802 bytes] 22-03-45_shot13.jpg [90000 bytes] 22-05-36_shot14.jpg [78437 bytes] 22-06-56_shot15.jpg [87237 bytes] 22-09-18_shot16.jpg [82686 bytes] 22-10-16_shot17.jpg [85615 bytes] 22-11-46_shot18.jpg [88960 bytes] 22-13-28_shot19.jpg [78684 bytes] 22-14-22_shot20.jpg [92080 bytes] 22-15-34_shot21.jpg [85561 bytes] 22-19-19_shot22.jpg [88656 bytes] 22-22-21_shot23.jpg [90248 bytes] 22-25-39_shot24.jpg [83710 bytes] 22-28-30_shot25.jpg [75744 bytes] 22-29-22_shot26.jpg [67346 bytes] 22-32-36_shot27.jpg [71566 bytes] 22-34-17_shot28.jpg [88862 bytes] 22-36-37_shot29.jpg [92880 bytes] 22-37-15_shot30.jpg [67568 bytes] 22-37-34_shot31.jpg [93760 bytes]